What kind of household is balcony PV suitable for?

Balcony photovoltaic, as the name suggests, is the installation of a photovoltaic system on the balcony, which belongs to an ultra-small distributed photovoltaic system, also known as a plug-in photovoltaic system. Users only need to fix the photovoltaic system to the balcony railing, plug the system cable into the home outlet, and use solar power to generate electricity supply.
Previously, for home users, the prerequisite for them to install distributed photovoltaics is that they need to have enough roof or courtyard area. However, many urban apartment dwellers do not have access to a wide roof or courtyard space, but also want to make the energy transition and save money on electricity bills. Therefore, the compact layout and small size of the balcony photovoltaic came into being, becoming the best choice for apartment residents, bringing green energy to many urban families.
As the German government continues to introduce new policies and expand development goals in the field of renewable energy, the photovoltaic industry will continue to maintain a rapid growth trend, and the segmented field of the German photovoltaic market has gradually evolved into a competitive field. For users, this is undoubtedly good news. Market segmentation, enterprises will increase investment in science and technology, strengthen their own product strength. At the same time, competition will also lead to product prices will stabilize, we will have more choices, balcony photovoltaic will undoubtedly improve people's quality of life, especially the above mentioned apartment residents.